
Personal tort damages

Add Date:2015/7/1 Hits:3114 Font Size:S M L BACK
Body damages dispute case, Luoyang City, Henan Province, the Intermediate People's court to order the defendant Guo 郭淑 a certain compensation for medical expenses, hospital food subsidies, these payments, care, lost income, disability compensation, solatium, etc. a total of 8 million yuan.
Since Kwak refused to honor payment obligations determined by the effective judgment, Guo certain to January 1, 2012 to Luoyang Jianxi District People's Court for enforcement. After executing the court filing, in addition to the debtor a notice served on the execution, reporting and other legal instruments make property, but also the risk warning letter served on him, the integrity of the proceedings undertaking, etc., but the debtor has not meet its obligations. Execute multiple queries court debtor's bank account, no property available for execution. The debtor under the name of the property set, but for the protection of the debtor needs, execute the court failed to take coercive measures. Since the debtor has no other property available for execution, execution case was in trouble.

National Court dishonest debtor list published information and search platform on 24 October 2013 the society opened. Through the platform, the people's courts at various levels entered dishonest debtor and related information can be announced, some are on the list 郭淑.郭淑 some feel the pressure of public opinion risk and credit discipline, implementation of the initiative to find a judge willing to cooperate with the implementation. In addition, the implementation of the court by the newly established joint execution Jianxi District network command center, and the area of industry and commerce, taxation, housing, land, banks and many other units formed the execution linkage, quickly found a property Guoshu some otherwise hidden. After learning this information, according to law enforcement judges immediately seized the sets of real estate and fulfill a legal obligation to inform 郭淑 soon as possible. After 郭淑 actively cooperate with the work of a court, we will take the initiative to pay the full amount to enforce court.
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