
war JDB Wong Lo Kat and the full resolution

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After more than a year of tug of war, Wong Lo Kat "trademark war" ended, the final victory over Guangzhou Pharmaceutical JDB, withdrew Wong Lo Kat trademark rights. When "trademark war" in full swing, the two companies also launched a competition for another piece of the battlefield, the battlefield is the herbal tea market.

Has been specializing in the green box Wanglaoji Guangzhou Pharmaceutical launched a red tank Wong Lo Kat, JDB original red tank Wanglaoji JDB is renamed. The two sides have held a "red tank" to start melee.

For enterprises, the trademark only for means to capture the market, the market share is an important criterion to measure the success of the enterprise. Herbal tea sales in the intensified battle for market share, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical and JDB Wanglaoji were to do what "readiness"? What are the pros and cons of each side? Who in herbal tea sales market dominance? Beijing News reporter interviewed the two companies and industry marketing experts.

Recently at a restaurant for dinner, a can of Wong Lo Kat customer point, the waiter always a cup of tank JDB, the customer has no objection to uncover drinks. Reporters found that both the customer or attendant, will default to Wong Lo Kat JDB.

From Wong Lo Kat to JDB, red tank top three-word change in the Chinese beverage market set off a protracted trademark battle. Until recently, Wong Lo Kat trademark rights have been determined.

July 16, Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group announced that the Beijing First Intermediate People's Court was rejected Hung Road JDB Group, the parent company of the application for revocation of the arbitration wanglaoji results on July 13, which means that Wong Lo Kat trademark dispute with Guangzhou Pharmaceutical victory ends.

This year on May 9, the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission ruled that Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group and Hong Tao Group signed the "" Wong Lo Kat "trademark licensing Supplemental Agreement" and "About" Wong Lo Kat "trademark licensing contract supplementary agreement" null, Hung Road Group Disable "Wong Lo Kat" trademark.

Hung Tao Group in May 17 filed a request to revoke the award in a Beijing hospital. After nearly two months of trial, the Beijing Intermediate People's Court made the ruling.

For the final suffered a defeat, JDB was not surprised, after which the responsible person on several occasions in front of the media, frankly, the end result has been the trademark case made for the worst.

But suffered a defeat, he said JDB Wong Lo Kat trademark dispute is not over, "everything has just begun."

Currently both sides Guangzhou Pharmaceutical and JDB still packed deadlock issue. JDB an insider in an interview with this reporter, said that for the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, they are in two battlefield, and Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Wong Lo Kat trademark of contention was the first battlefield, and the product serves decent, in make a "good fight" on the performance of the company is the most valued.
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